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School of Trades & Technology

Below is a list of all of the programs at Laurel Institutes.

Gain Experiential Learning

Do you have a head for technology and how it all works together?
Do you have an analytical mind with a drive to figure out all of the latest and greatest gadgets?
Or do you like to work with your hands solving a different challenge every day?

Skilled trades also play an important role in our economy, and our society. Think about it … skilled trades workers touch almost every aspect of our lives. Technology affects almost every aspect of modern life, computer technicians and network administrators continue to be in high demand. Skilled trades & technology workers build and maintain items that we use every day! From laptops, cellphones, home and cars- they work hard in everything they do to keep our lives running normally!

Then Laurel’s School of Trades & Technology is the perfect fit for you. Get ready today for a cutting-edge career working with computer and network systems in 20 months or less.

School of Trades & Technology Programs

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